Another way you can save on diapers or wipes, is to go to and print Huggies coupons. I learned a few tips from Frugal Coupon Mom and used them on a recent trip to Walgreens. You can print two copies of coupons from, so I printed 2 $5 coupons and 2 $3 coupons for Huggies diaper products. I did not know that you could use the coupon on wipes, but I was able to do so. Here is a brief description of my visit.

2 tubs of Huggies wipes $2.79 each - I used my 2 $3 coupons, so these were FREE!
2 Huggies wipes refill packs (3 pack) $7.99 each or 2/$12.98, but rang up as $6 each - I used my 2 $5 coupons therefore only paid $1 each per refill pack.
2 boxes of Fiber One bars 2/$5 - I used 2 (.50) coupons and paid 2/$4.

My final bill was $6.87!


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