Buying meats in (small) bulk

I like to buy chicken, baby back ribs and whole beef tenderloins when they are on sale. I recently bought chicken breasts on sale at Ingles for $1.88/lb., which was less than half price. I also used $1 off coupons for Tyson fresh chicken. It was a great deal. I also recently purchased a whole beef tenderloin at Harris Teeter, I believe it was $6.99 or $7.99/lb. When the baby back ribs are on sale for $2.99 or less per lb., I will pick up 4 at a time and we usually get them at Harris Teeter.

I will buy 2 to 4 of the big packs of chicken, they usually have 5 or 6 breast in them. Then I will open the packs up, place 2 breasts in freezer bags, date them and put them in my freezer

When I purchase the whole beef tenderloin, I will slice it and usually get 5 to 6 pairs of steaks that I place in freezer bags for use later. I think I spent about $95 on the tenderloin, but if you break it down, it is far less than we would pay for filets we would eat out at a restaurant.

It is so nice to be able to have these items on hand, plan ahead and have great meals at a fraction of the cost if we were to go out to eat or pick them up spontaneously at the grocery store.


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